OpenSolaris 2009.06 guest domain on a Linux dom0

Just a quick note: you can follow the instructions I provided for the 2008.11 release, with one change. On a 64-bit machine, replace any instances of /boot/x86.microroot with /boot/amd64/x86.microroot. As of 2009.06, the boot archive is split into 32-bit and 64-bit variants. If you get a message like this:

krtld: failed to open '/platform/i86xpv/kernel/amd64/unix'

Then you've probably given the wrong combination of unix and microroot.

By the way, in my previous entry, I mentioned we were working on upstreaming our virt-install changes. During the Xen 3.3 work (more on which soon), I updated to the latest versions and got the needed parts into the upstream version. We've still some ZFS changes to push, but if you're running a recent enough version of Xen on Linux, you may well be able to use virt-install and skip all this horrible hacking!