Open all links in Gerrit

Newer versions of Gerrit, somewhat insanely, lack the old “Open All” button to open each file in its own tab. Here’s a bookmarklet that does so:

javascript: (
  function() {
    var dl = document.querySelectorAll(".pathLink");

    if (!dl.length) {
      dl = document.querySelectorAll("");

    if (!dl.length) {
      dl = document.querySelectorAll(".path");

    if (!dl.length) {
      dl = document.querySelectorAll(".com-google-gerrit-client-change-FileTable-FileTableCss-pathColumn > a");

    if (!dl.length) {
      dl = document.querySelector('body > gr-app')

    if (!dl.length) {
      alert('no links');
    } else {
      if (confirm('Open ' + dl.length + ' links in new windows?')) {
        for (var i = 0; i < dl.length; ++i) {

(Add the above as the “Location” of a bookmark.) If somebody knows a less shitty way to traverse all the new shadow roots, I’d love to hear it.

  • 2021-01-27: updated to fix a javascript error
  • 2021-02-09: updated for some other gerrit versions
  • 2021-06-17: updated for yet another gerrit version